
Exhibition catalogue
Includes photographs of the exhibition Legacies with works by Teri Donovan, Elexandra Luke, Gwen MacGregor, Isabel McLaughlin. Curatorial text by Margaret Rodgers, additional text by Sky Goodden. Published in 2017 by The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa. 68 pages.
Catalogue (pdf)

Artists’ Walks: The Persistence of Peripateticism
Exhibition pamphlet
Includes photographs and descriptions from the exhibition Artists’ Walks: The Persistence of Peripateticism with works by Marina Abramović , Janet Cardiff & Georges Bures Miller, Hamish Fulton, Neil Goldberg, General Idea, Lucy Gunning, Richard Long, Gwen Macgregor, Gwen Macgregor & Sandra Rechico, Danica Phelps, Samuel Rowlett, and Jessica Thompson. Curatorial and descriptive text by Earl Miller. Published in 2013 by Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, New York. 6 pages.
Pamphlet (pdf)

River Grand Chronicles 6, 7 & 8
Exhibition catalogue
Includes photographs and project descriptions from River Grand Chronicles 6, 7 & 8 (Susan Coolen, Phil Irish, Gwen MacGregor). With introduction by Crystal Mowry and essay by Richard Hill. Designed by Matt Dupuis. Published in 2010 by Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, Canada. 48 pages.
ISBN 978-1-897543-08-5
Catalogue (pdf)

River Grand Chronicles 6, 7 & 8
Exhibition catalogue
Includes photographs and project descriptions from the exhibition The Projects: Port Credit, plus a curatorial statement by Christof Migone. Published in 2010 by Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga. 16 pages.
Catalogue (pdf)

Catastrophe ? Quelle catastrophe !
Exhibition catalogue
The catalogue from Catastrophe ? Quelle catastrophe !, The Québec City Biennial: Manif d’art 5, with essay by Sylvie Fortin. Includes photograph and description of Gwen MacGregor’s video Going. Published in 2010 by Manifest d’Art, Quebec City, Canada.
Excerpt (pdf)

Natural, disaster.
Exhibition catalogue
The catalogue of the exhibition Natural, disaster, with curatorial essay by Jessica Wyman. Published in 2010 by McIntosh Gallery. 32 pages.
ISBN 978-0-7714-2826-5
Catalogue (pdf)

Disappearing Things
Exhibition catalogue
This bookwork accompanied the exhibition Gwen MacGregor: Disappearing Things, initiated by Gordon Hatt and presented at Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Canada. Photos by Gwen MacGregor, text by Jacob Wren and designed by Lewis Nicholson. Published in 2008 by Rodman Hall. Full colour. 144 pages.
ISBN 978-0-9691206-8-1

Exhibition catalogue
This publication reflects upon the nature of time itself in film and video. Work by young artists – Pascal Grandmaison, Gwen MacGregor, Jocelyn Robert and Jeroen de Rijke / Willem de Roojs – are made to enter into a dialogue with two artists whose early experimentation with duration in film was transformative: Michael Snow and Andy Warhol. Essays by Stefan Jovanovic and Michelle Theriault. Published in 2004 by Eleanor and Bina Ellen Gallery, Montreal, Canada. Illustrated, 120 pages.
ISBN 2-920394-63-0
Excerpt (english) (pdf)
Extrait (français) (pdf)

Present Tense
Exhibition pamphlet
Includes photographs of work from the exhibition and text by curator Jessica Bradley. Published in 2001 by The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada. Full colour, 8 pages.
Exhibition pamphlet (english) (pdf)
Exposition brochure (français) (pdf)

Gwen MacGregor
Exhibition pamphlet + CD
Includes photographs and video from the exhibition. Text by curator Marnie Fleming. Published in 2001 by Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Canada. 4 pages.
ISBN 1-894707-08-7
Pamphlet (pdf)

A few reasons for messing with time
Exhibition pamphlet
Includes photographs of work for the exhibition and text by curator Carolyn Bell-Farrell. Published in 2000 by Koffler Gallery, Toronto, Canada. Two-colour, 8 pages.
Pamphlet (pdf)

Exhibition catalogue
Includes photographs from the exhibition, introduction by Shirley Madill, exhibition text by curator Eileen Sommerman. Contributing artists are Kim Adams, Adrian Blackwell, Alan Flint, Gwen MacGregor, machyderm inc. and Kelly Mark. Published in 2000 by Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Canada. Design by Andrew Di Rosa. Black and white, 48 pages.
ISBN 0-919153-64-X
Pamphlet (pdf)

Moving and Storage
Exhibition catalogue
Includes photographs of artworks and text by Jack Stanley. Contributing artists are Ian Carr-Harris, Andrew Forster, Mark Gomes, Vera Greenwood, Gwen MacGregor, Marcus Miller, Ineke Standish, Richard Purdy. Published in 1999 by the Hold collective. Full colour, 34 pages.
ISBN 0-9686134-0-3
Excerpt (pdf)

Capilano Review
Artist project
The Capilano Review, Issue 2.27, Winter 1999. The front cover, back cover and 16 page article feature photographs by Gwen MacGregor from I was never there.
ISSN 0315-3754
Excerpt (pdf)

Fold it up and put it away: Fernie’s Curse
Exhibition catalogue
The story of a First Nations’ curse apparently placed on the town of Fernie, British Columbia, is explored in an anecdotal rather than archeological way. MacGregor reveals the story of the creation of the curse and its ceremonial lifting in 1964 through conversation with members of the Tobacco Plains band and family members. Published in 1998 by Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Canada. Introduction by Joan Stebbins, essay by Andrew Forster. Design by Lewis Nicholson. Colour and black and white, 84 pages.
ISBN 0-921613-88-1

Of Mudlarkers and Measurers
Exhibition catalogue
Includes photographs and essay by curator Sarindar Dhaliwal. Introduction by Jan Allen. Contributing artists are Antoni Abad, Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Gwen MacGregor, Lyndal Osborne and Regina Silveira. Published in 1997 by Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Canada. Colour photographs, 23 pages.
ISBN 0-88911-742-X
Catalogue (pdf)

Murky Waters
Exhibition pamphlet
Includes photographs for the exhibition and text by Jennifer Rudder. Published in 1994 by Mercer Union, Toronto, Canada. Black and White, 4 pages.
Pamphlet (pdf)

Exhibition catalogue
Photographs for the exhibition and texts by Andy Fabo, Janette Platana, Christine Swiderski. Contributing artists are the Blanket Collective (John Atkinson, Michael Balser, Anne-Marie Beneteau, Catherine Heard, Gwen MacGregor, Marilyn Nazar, Brian Piitz, David Renaud). Published in 1993 by Gallery 76. Black and white, 15 pages
Catalogue (pdf)
Articles and Reviews
Border Crossings
March 2015, Issue #133 – reviewGwen MacGregor
Dan Adler reviews an exhibition by Gwen MacGregor at MKG127, Toronto, in 2014.
- Article (pdf)
July 7, 2011 – articleCanadians in Europe: Derek Sullivan, Robert Waters, Gwen MacGregor & Sandra Rechico
Discusses three exhibitions including Backtrack at A trans Pavilion in Berlin by Gwen MacGregor and Sandra Rechico
Canadian Art Online
August 26, 2010 – ArticleJohn Kissick / Gwen MacGregor: Two for the Road
Discusses two exhibitions at Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery including solo show by Gwen MacGregor
Canadian Art Online
October 14, 2010 – ReviewGwen MacGregor: River-Run Recherché
Ivan Jurakic reviews solo exhibition at Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
The Piazza Room Online
July 2010 – ReviewGallery Profile: Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
A.Y. Daring discusses three exhibitions at the gallery
July 29, 2010 – ReviewThe Art of Nature
Robert Reid reviews three exhibitions at Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
York University
2010 – ReviewThe Art Gallery of York University
Karolina Wisniewski reviews three exhibitions at AGYU including New Time, collaborative installation with Lewis Nicholson
Border Crossings
Issue 109, 2009 – ReviewMaps in Doubt
William V. Ganis reviews the Maps in Doubt exhibition at Mercer Union
Pulse Niagara
2008 – ReviewKristen de Palma reviews the exhibition Disappearing Things at Rodman Hall, St. Catharines
The Globe and Mail
May 30, 2009 – ReviewGwen MacGregor at Jessica Bradley Art and Projects
Gary Michael Dault reviews solo exhibition at Jessica Bradley Art + Projects in Toronto
The Toronto Star
May 21, 2009 – ReviewGwen MacGregor at Jessica Bradley
Description by Murray White of solo exhibition at Jessica Bradley Art + Projects, Toronto
Now Online
November 6, 2008, Volume 28; Number 10 – ReviewEvery step of the Way
David Jager reviews Maps in Doubt exhibition at Mercer Union
February 2007 – ReviewFolded Landscapes – Unfolding Maps
Terence Dick reviews two-person exhibition at Akau Gallery, Toronto
The Globe and Mail
February 2007 – ReviewGary Michael Dault reviews two-person exhibition at Akau Gallery, Toronto
Le Devoir
December 2, 2006 – ReviewCartographies Conceptuelle
Review by Rene Viau of group exhibition at Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal
June 2006 – ReviewGwen MacGregor – Jessica Bradley Art and Projects
Review by Gary Michael Dault of solo exhibition
Gazette Online
December 4, 2006 – ReviewArtists get in touch with their inner GPS
Review by Henry Lehmen of group exhibition Conceptual Cartographies at Saiyde Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal
Ici Montreal
December 22, 2004 – ReviewOeil Variable
Review by Lyne Crevier of group exhibition Timelength at Galerie Leonard et Bina Ellen, Montreal
La Presse
November 28, 2004 – ReviewL’empire de la lenteur
Review by Jerome Delgado of group exhibition Timelength at Galerie Leonard et Bina Ellen, Montreal
Le Devoir Online
November 27, 2004 – ReviewL’image entre deux etats
Review by Jean-Claude Rochefort of group exhibition Timelength at Galerie Leonard et Bina Ellen, Montreal
Hamilton Spectator
May 24, 2002 – ReviewCan we ever trust memory?
Review by Elaine Hujer of solo exhibition at Oakville Galleries
Toronto Life
May, 2003 – ReviewDiscussion by Betty Ann Jordon of group exhibition City of Fictions curated by Gwen MacGregor and presented at Mercer Union
Canadian Art
Fall 2000 – ReviewFlywheel flies
Review by Eileen Sommerman of Flywheel collective’s exhibition at The Nunnery, London UK.
C Magazine
November 1999 – ArticleLetter from Toronto
Discussion by Lisa Gabrielle Mark of group exhibition Centrifugal at The Art Gallery of Hamilton
The Globe and Mail
May 22, 1999 – ReviewLock Up Your Art
Review by Blake Gopnik of the group exhibition Moving and Storage
The Ottawa Xpress
March 18, 1999 – ReviewMoving Show Settles Down in Storage Space
Review by Chari Marple of group exhibition Moving and Storage
Issue #96, 1999 – ReviewMoving and Storage
Review by Donna Wawzonek of group exhibition Moving and Storage
Border Crossing
August 1997 – ReviewThe Collectors
Review by Petra Halkes of group exhibition Of Mudlarkers and Measurers at Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Canadian Art
Summer 1997 – ReviewFull Count
Review by Jennifer Rudder of group exhibition Of Mudlarkers and Measurers at Agnes Etherington Art Centre
The Globe and Mail
May 22, 1997 – ReviewFive-artist show engagingly eccentric
Review by Gillian MacKay of group exhibition Of Mudlarkers and Measurers at Agnes Etherington Art Centre
The Lethbridge Herald
May 9, 1997 – ReviewFernie curse explained at gallery
Review by Yale Belanger of solo exhibition at Southern Alberta Art Gallery
The Ottawa Citizen
May 26, 1997 – ReviewPhotos turn human flesh into object of fascination
Review by Virginia Howard of group exhibition Of Mudlarkers and Measurers at The Ottawa Art Gallery
World Art
Winter Issue, 1995 – ArticleHome is Where the Art Is
Discussion by Catherine Osborne of Toronto art collectives
The Globe and Mail
May 9, 1985 – ReviewInterior Rites: Domestic Scenes and Rituals
Review by John Bently Mays of group exhibition curated by Gwen MacGregor at Artculture Resource Centre, Toronto
The Toronto Star
May 3, 1995 – ReviewArtists paint grim view of housework in Queen Street show
Review by Christopher Hume of group exhibition curated by Gwen MacGregor at Artculture Resource Centre, Toronto